Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Relieve Stress By Being Mindful!

Stress has become a part of life many people. We, day to day deal with hectic life styles and phases and knowingly or unknowingly accept the stress' that comes along with them.
So usual reaction is to tune out to relieve the stress but big doctor from Harvard, Michael Craig Miller, M.D., Editor in Chief, Harvard Mental Health Letter says may be not too fast.
According to an article he published, being mindful may be the answer to make stress not stick.
"The practice of mindfulness, which has its roots in Buddhism, teaches people to be present in each moment. The idea is to focus attention on what is happening now and accepting it without judgment.Although it sounds simple, and even simplistic, mindfulness is a powerful therapeutic tool. It has been shown to ease stress, prevent major depression from reappearing, alleviate anxiety, and even reduce physical symptoms such as pain or hot flashes. As my colleague Carolyn Schatz wrote on this blog a few months back, one way mindfulness works its magic is by improving connections in the brain."
He also gives some tips on being mindful;
"you can do this on your own by practicing a few simple techniques, like sitting quietly, focusing on your breathing, becoming aware of your surroundings, and watching what comes and goes in your mind."
If the article interested you at all, then there is more complete information on being mindful,  "Mind over Matter" article in the October 2011 Harvard Mental Health Letter

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