Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Guidance for Industry, Drug-Induced Liver Injury

FDA has released a guidance to assist the pharmaceutical industry and other investigators who are conducting new drug development in assessing the potential for a drug or a product to cause severe liver injury (i.e., irreversible liver failure that is fatal or requires liver transplantation).

In particular, the guidance addresses how laboratory measurements that signal the potential for such drug-induced liver injury (DILI) can be obtained and evaluated during drug development.

This evaluation is important because most drugs that cause severe DILI do so infrequently; typical drug development databases with up to a few thousand subjects exposed to a new drug will not show any cases. Databases may, however, show evidence or signals of a drug’s potential for severe DILI if the clinical and laboratory data are properly evaluated for evidence of lesser injury that may not be severe, but may predict the ability to cause more severe injuries. This guidance describes an approach that can be used to distinguish signals of DILI that identify drugs likely to cause severe liver injury from signals that do not suggest such a potential. This guidance does not address issues of preclinical evaluation for signals of DILI, nor the detection and assessment of DILI after drug approval and marketing.
The guidance is available from FDA.
Follow the link below for a PDF file;

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